February 28, 2025

New Executive Order to Call English the Official Language

U.S. English is greatly encouraged by news reports in the Wall Street Journal and elsewhere that an executive order will soon be signed to recognize

November 08, 2021

Allentown, PA Voters Overwhelmingly Reaffirm Official English

In a ballot referendum on November 2, more than two thirds of residents in Allentown, Pennsylvania voted to keep an Official English provision in

May 07, 2021

Support for Official English Remains Strong Among 73% of Americans

A new Rasmussen Poll published on April 14, 2021 has again shown compelling support for English as America's common and official language, with 73%

March 17, 2021

English Language Unity Act Reintroduced in the 117th Congress

Official English legislation has been reintroduced by Representative Louie Gohmert and Senator Jim Inhofe in the U.S. House and Senate. H.R. 997 and S. 678,

April 05, 2018

New Polling Shows 73% of Likely Voters Support Official English

A new national survey has reaffirmed clear and strong public support for English as the official and unifying language of the United States, with 73%

April 04, 2018

Canadian Spending on Bilingual Programs Shows the Cost of Multilingual Policies in the U.S.

The Federal government of Canada has announced an additional commitment of $500 million CAD for Official Bilingual programs. This comes after the original announcement

June 30, 2017

Michigan Committee Considers Official English Bill, H.B. 4053

The Michigan Legislature's Government Operations Committee held its first meeting of the year on Tuesday, June 20, and among the topics discussed was the state's

April 06, 2017

Chairman Mauro Mujica Talks Official English on “Tucker Carlson Tonight”

The evening of April 5, 2017, U.S. English Chairman Mauro E. Mujica appeared on Fox News Channel's "Tucker Carlson Tonight" program to discuss the movement

August 21, 2016

U.S. English Chairman Calls Fox News Latino Poll a Call to Action For U.S. Official Language Policy

U.S. English Chairman Calls Fox News Latino Poll a Call to Action For U.S. Official Language Policy Washington, D.C. -- U.S. English Chairman Mauro

July 07, 2016

U.S. English Chairman Urges Support for English Language Amendment in Financial Services Bill

U.S. English Chairman Urges Support for English Language Amendment in Financial Services Bill Washington, DC—U.S. English Chairman Mauro E. Mujica today issued a call

March 05, 2016

U.S. English Efforts Lead West Virginia to Become 32nd State to Recognize English as Official Language

U.S. English Efforts Lead West Virginia to Become 32nd State to Recognize English as Official Language Washington, DC—U.S. English Chairman Mauro E. Mujica today

February 26, 2016

U.S. English Chairman Commends WV Senate on Passage of OE Bill

U.S. English Chairman Commends WV Senate on Passage of OE Bill Washington, DC—U.S. English Chairman Mauro E. Mujica today commended the West Virginia State