Sign a Petition

Official Petition to the 117th Congress

To Support The English Language Unity Act” and English as the Official Language

Whereas: H.R. 997 and S. 678, introduced by Rep. Louie Gohmert and Sen. James Inhofe, would effectively end most cases of government mandated multilingualism, with some common sense exceptions;

Whereas: Polling figures consistently show that over 80% of Americans feel that the United States should make English its official language;

Whereas: For over 200 years, English has served as a linguistic bond that has brought us together as one nation and one people;

Therefore, Be It Resolved: That I support an immediate end to costly government multilingual programs. And furthermore, I urge you as my elected representative, to support The English Language Unity Act, a bill that will eliminate wasteful government mandated multilingual projects and ensure government business is done primarily in English.

Prepared and Authorized By:

U.S. English, Inc.
5335 Wisconsin Ave NW, Suite 930
Washington, DC 20015

Respectfully Submitted By:

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