Official English legislation is common sense for America and supported by a clear majority of Americans, and our elected officials need to hear the will of the people and act on it. There are many ways to get in contact with Congress, and this page will guide you to easy ways to make your voice heard on policy to support Official English and improve English literacy in the United States of America.

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Quick Links and Tips

  • Directory for the U.S. House of Representatives: The House’s online directory allows you to sort by State and District or by last name. Information presented includes a phone number, committee assignments and the building and room number their Washington, DC office belongs to.
    • To look up the exact Representative of a district quickly, has a simple search tool to match you with your Representative. Simply enter your home zip code.
  • Directory for the U.S. Senate: The U.S. Senate website lists every member with the mailing address for their Washington DC office, that office’s phone number, and a direct link to their web-based contact form. Users can sort Senators by State or find an individual member through simple pull-down menus at the top of the page. Clicking on their names will send you to their official website.
  • Offices pay attention to feedback from constituents, while calls and messages from citizens from outside an elected official’s state are generally filtered out. The best strategy will always be to spend your time contacting the Representatives and Senators that represent you!
  • When calling your Representative or Senator about making English the Official Language, be ready to reference the name and bill number. Official English legislation is entitled “The English Language Unity Act of 2021” in both the House and Senate. H.R. 997 is the bill number for the House, S. 678 is the bill number for the Senate.

Writing Congress

To date there has been no central listing of public email addresses for emailing a Congressional office, but the website of every Congressman and Senator has a contact form you can use.

If interested in sending physical letters, The House’s Office of the Clerk maintains an updated list of Washington, DC office addresses for every Representative in various formats and more.

Calling Congress

In addition to the directories linked above, the Capitol Switchboard can always be called at (202) 224-3121. Dedicated operators will be happy to transfer you to the Washington, DC office you want to reach!

In addition to their offices in Washington DC, Representatives and Senators often have multiple district offices in their home state. Phone numbers and addresses for these are all available on their individual websites. Calling a district office is a strong strategy; all feedback received is shared with and noticed by Congressional staff, and often staff in local offices are able to listen and talk at length.

Contacting the White House

The White House maintains a contact form for emailing the President of the United States on any issue. Alternatively, physical letters can be mailed directly to the White House:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

The White House recommends using an 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper for your letter, and requests the inclusion of a return address on your envelope and an email address where you can be reached.

To comment by phone, the number for the White House comment line is (202) 456-1111.